Monday, 19 November 2018


By: Shaykh Nūr akīm
Translation, Transliteration & Commentary by:
Edited & Arranged by: Isma‘eel Bakare

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم، هذه قصيدة جذب المجذوب لمولانا الشيخ نور الحكيم رضي الله عنه

In the Name of Allāh, the Beneficent, the Merciful. This is a poem of Mawlānā Shaykh Nūr Hakīm (May Allāh be pleased with him), titled: "The Ecstasy of the Ecstatic Sūfī".

Bismillāhi-r-Ramāni-r-Raḥīmسلام على من قال يا رب أمتى # أجرها من النيران قال نعم نعم
1. Salāmun alā man qāla yā Rabbi ummatī ** ajirhā mina-n-nīrāni qāla naam naam.
(1) Peace be unto thee who said: O my Lord! My ummah (Nation i.e Muslims), avert them from Hellfire and Allāh answered by: accepted, accepted!

سلام لذيذ لا يقاس بلذة # على المصطفى المدعو بدر تمام
2. Salāmun ladhīdhun lā yuqāsu biladhhatin ** ala-l-Muṣṭafā-l-maduwwi badrun tamām.
(2) May Pleasant peace that can never be compared to any Pleasure, be upon Al-Mustafā (the chosen one i.e Prophet Muammad ), who is known as Badru Tamām (the full moon i.e the full moon always seen at the fourteenth night of the Islamic month)

سلام سليم للحبيب محمد # سلام على المدعو يس محمد
3. Salāmun salīmun li-l-abībi muammadin ** salāmun ala-l-maduwwi Yāsīn Muammad.
(3) May tranquil peace be upon Al-Habīb (the beloved of Allāh) Muammad (), may peace be upon the one called Yāsīn Muammad ().

سلام على من منه ذا الخلق كله # يمينا شمالا فوق تحت محمد
4. Salāmun alā man minhu dhal-khalqi kulluhu ** yamīnan shimālan fawqa tata Muammad.
(4) May peace be upon the one that all creatures are from His Light (Muammad i.e Allah created everything that exists from His Light), be it; right, left, up and down, they are from Muhammadan Light.

سلام على طسين ميم وأحمد # سلام على الهادي المسمى محمد
5. Salāmun alā asīnun mīmun wa`Amadun ** salāmun ala-l-Hādi-l-musammā Muammad.
(5) May peace be upon a sīn mīm who is Ahmad (Magnificent), may peace be upon Al-Hādī (the Guide) known as Muammad.

سلام على من نوره قبل خلقه # ومكحول قبل الإثمد بل محمد
6. Salāmun alā man nūruhu qabla khalqihi ** wamakḥūlu qabla-l-ithmid balli Muammad.
(6) May peace be upon the one that his Light was before all creatures, his eyes has been decorated with Mikhāl (kohl stick) before the creation of Al-Ithmid (a stone which dark powder used as make up for eyes is made from), he is no one but Muammad ().

سلام على النور الذي منه لم يزل # تفيض فيوضات الإله محمد
7. Salāmun ala-n-Nūri-l-ladhī minhu lam yazal ** tufīḍu fuyūḍāti-l-Ilāhi Muammad.
(7) May peace be upon the Light that from it, ceaselessly is Allāh's abundant Favour flowing, He's Muammad ().

سلام على من كان قدما أبا الورى # سلام على المختار طه محمد
8. Salāmun alā man kāna qidmān aba-l-warā ** salāmun ala-l-Mukhtāri aha Muammad.
(8) May peace upon the one who from time immemorial has been Father of all the creatures. May peace be upon Al-Mukhtār (the Exquisite), aha Muammad ().

سلام على من عقله جبروته # لجبريل حظ منه وهو محمد¹
9. Salāmun alā man aqluhu jabarutuhu **li-Jibrīli aẓẓa minhu wahuwa Muammad.
(9) May peace be upon the one whose intellect is His Jabarūt (one of the five spiritual stations which are Nāsūt, Malakūt, Jabarūt, Lāhūt and Hāhūt), from which Arch angel Jibrīl (Gabriel) is given a portion (i.e. as great as Jibrīl عليه الصلاة والسلام is, he doesn't transcends the stage of Jabarūt (the third stage among the five stages of the Divine presences, that is the world of the angels). He's no one than Muammad¹ ().

سلام على من روحه سر ربه # وسر له نور الإله محمد²
10. Salāmun alā man ruuhu sirru Rabbihi ** wasirru lahu nūra-l-Ilāhi Muammad.
(10) May peace be upon him whose Rūh (spirit) is His Lord's secret, He (Allāh ) is also his (Muammad ) secret, he's Allāh's Nūr (Light), Muammad ()

سلام على من نفسه ملك حضرة³ # وقلب له فوق البرايا محمد
11. Salāmun alā man nafsuhu malku aratin ** waqalbu lahu fawqa-l-barāyā muammad.
(11) May peace be upon him whose soul is in adrah Al-Malakūt² (i.e the second stage among the five Divine presences) and his heart is above all creatures, he's no one but Muammad ().

سلام على المشهور من قبل بعثه # سلام على المشهود فى كل مشهد
12. Salāmun ala-l-mashhuri min qabli bathihi ** salāmun ala-l-mashhudi fī kulli mash-hadi.
(12) May peace be upon Al-Mashhūr (the famous) even before attaining his prophethood. May peace be upon Al-Mashhūd (the witnessed) in every spectacle.

محمد خير الخلق ربي حبيبه # محمد لى أقصى منايا محمد
13. Muammadu khayru-l-khalqi Rabbī abībuhu ** Muammadu lī aqṣā munāyā Muammad.
(13) Muammad () is the best of all creatures, the beloved of my Lord. Muammad () is my Utmost Desire, no one but Muammad ().

محمد أصل الخلق بل الروح كلهم # فشكل ولب اللب فيهم محمد
14. Muammadu ’alu-l-khalqi bal ruu kulluhum ** fashaklun walubbu-l-lubbi fīhim Muammad.
(14) Muammad () is the source of all creatures, indeed the Rūh (soul) of all that exists, be it; in shape, inner or innermost, in them all is the Muhammadan Light.

محمد معنى النور والنور لبه # وكل أسامي الخلق معنى محمد
15. Muammadu ma‘na-n-nūri wa-n-nūru lubbahu ** wakullu asāmi-l-khalqi manā muammad.
(15) Prophet Muammad () is indeed the reality or manifestation of the Divine Light and the Light is His () heart or core. Every parts of the creatures in meaning depicts Muammad ().

محمد نجل الهاشمي محمد # محمد خير الرسل حقا محمد
16. Muammadu najlu-l-Hāshimiyyi Muammadun ** Muammadu khayru-r-rusuli aqqan Muammad.
(16) Muammad () is a scion of Hashimites, Muhammad (). Verily, Muammad () is the best of all the Messengers of Allāh (), Muammad ().

رسول كريم هاشمي بن هاشمي # تهامي أرضا بل سماء محمد
17. Rasūlun Karīmun Hāshimiyyu-b-ni Hāshimī ** Tihāmiyyu aran bal samāu Muammad.
(17) He (Muammad ) is a kind messenger of Allāh, Hāshim son of Hāshim. He's a descendant of Tihāmī (One of the clans of Quraysh in Makkah) in the earth; but in the Heaven, he's Muammad ().

نبي حبيب الله من قبل آدم # رسولا أتى قبلا وبعدا محمد
18. Nabiyyun abību-l-lāhi min qabli Ādami ** Rasūlān atā qablān wabadān Muammad.
(18) He's the beloved Prophet of Allāh () before the creation of Ādam (عليه الصلاة والسلام). Muammad () has been the Messenger of Allāh before and after the creation of all that exists.

نبي رسول وهو أول أحمد # وأول محمود الشفيع محمد
19. Nabiyyun Rasūlun wahuwa Awwalu ’Amadin ** wa’Awwalu Mamūdi-sh-Shafii Muammad.
(19) He's an Apostle as well as a Messenger of Allāh and also the first to praise Allāh (). He's likewise the first to be praised by Allāh, Muammad (), the Intercessor.

نبي علا فوق المعالي جميعها # رسول إلى كل الأنام محمد
20. Nabiyyun ‘alā fawqa-l-maālī jamiihā ** Rasūlun ilā kulli-l-anāmi Muammad.
(20) He (Muammad ) is above every supreme (space). Muammad is a Messenger sent to all mankind.

نبي رسول وهو أول أحمد # وحامد ذو الفضل نبي محمد
21. Nabiyyun Rasūlun wahuwa Awwalu Amadin ** waḤāmidu Dhu-l-fali Nabiyyu Muammad.
(21) He's a prophet as well as a Messenger, the first to praise His Lord. Muammad is the Prophet of Allāh, a magnifier, an embodiment of virtues.

أحب أساميه له عبد ربه # وأخير أن يدعى عليه محمد
22. Aabba ’asāmihi lahu Abdu Rabbihi ** waakhyaru an yudā alayhi Muammad.
(22) Out of all his names, he loved to be called "servant of his Lord", and the best name being specialised for him is "Muammad" ().

وحمد وعبد للإلٰه جميعها # فذو الإسم ذو الطرفين حقا محمد
23. Waamdun wa‘abdun li-l-`Ilāhi jamīuhā ** fadhu-l-ismi dhu--arfayni aqqan Muammad.
(23) And amd (Praise) and ‘Abd (Servant) are both for Allāh (). The margin between the two names depicts no one in reality save Muammad ().

وأثبت كل الإسم إسم محمد # وخير أسامى الله كلا محمد
24. Wa’athbata kulla-l-ismi ismu Muammadin ** wakhayru ’asāmi-l-lāhi kullan Muammad.
(24) The name Muammad is affirmed in every other names. The very best name among names with Allāh is "Muammad".

خلقت جميع الخلق بالنور أحمد # ذوات جميع الخلق نورا محمد
25. khalaqta jamīa-l-khalqi bi-n-nūri amadin ** dhawātu jamīi-l-khalqi Nūran Muammad.
(25) You (Allāh ) created every creatures with the Light of Ahmad (). The reality of all creatures is Muhammadan Light.

وما زال يأتى النور خرجا وعارجا # التجانى وبرهام العلا بل محمد
26. wamā zāla yati-n-nūru kharjan waārijan ** At-Tijānī waBarhāma-l-ulā bal Muammad.
(26) The Light is not hesitating coming to and fro. Among the manifestation of this Muhammadan light is "Shaykh Ahmad Tijānī" and "Shaykh Ibrāhīm Inyās" (رضي الله عنهما).

هو الرحمة المعلومة عم كلنا # برحمته الفياضة بل محمد
27. Huwa-r-Ramatu-l-ma‘lumatu ‘amma kullunā ** biramatihi-l-fayāḍah bal Muammad.
(27) He's the Known Mercy that encapsulates all with his abundant Mercy, he's Muammad ().

تهيأ للعشاق معشوقهم الذي # علا فوق معشوق الوجود محمد
28. Tahaya’ li-l-‘ush-shāqi mashuqahum ladhī ** alā fawqa ma‘shuqi-l-wujūdi Muammad.
(28) Muammad () has presented himself yearned for by the ardent lovers. He (Prophet Muammad ) transcends everything yearned for in existence.

يقول لكم يا مرحبا بجميعكم # ويا أمتي أهلا فإنى محمد
29. Yaqūlu lakum yā maraban bijamīikum ** wayā ummatī ahlan fa-innī Muammad.
(29) He (Prophet Muammad ) would be saying welcome to you all. O my Ummah! (nation), you're highly welcome, I am Muammad ().

أجاز أولو العرفان والعلم والتقى # قياما على الأقدام لو جا محمد
30. ’Ajāza ulu-l-irfāni wa-l-ilmi wa-t-tuqā ** qiyāman ala-l-aqdāmi in jā Muammad.
(30) The gnostics, scholars and pious endorse the standing on feet, when the Prophet () arrives.

عليك صلاة الله ثم سلامه # أدوم اشتياقى للحبيب محمد
31. ‘Alayka alātu-l-lāhi thumma salāmuhu ** adūmu-sh-tiyāqī li-l-abībi Muammad.
(31) May the Blessings and Peace of Allāh be upon you (Muammad ). Ceaselessly is my yearning to the beloved of Allāh, Muammad ().

صلاة وتسليما عليك أبا الورى # محمد خير الإسم فيه محمد
32. Salātan wataslīman alayka Abā-l-warā ** Muammadu khayra-l-ismi fīhi muammad
(32) Blessings and Peace be upon you, O the father of all creatures "Muammad". The best name (i.e Allāh ), engraved in it is; Muammad ().

Ameen thumma Ameen!!!


{1} Starting from the line 9 to 11, the writer (Mawlānā Shaykh Nūr Hakīm رضي الله عنه) is comparing and contrasting the different levels in the aqīqah al-Muammadiyyah (the reality of the prophet ) to the five divine presences.

****** These are different translations that Sūfī scholars have used to translate the five divine presences:

1.’Ibn al-'Arabi's foremost disciple explained the five divine presences to mean:
The (1) Divine - Hāhūt,
(2) Spiritual - Lāhūt,
(3) Imaginal - Jabarūt,
(4) Sensory – Malakūt, and lastly;
(5) All-comprehensive, human levels - Nāsut.

*** Five planes of existence” (Khams al-aarāt al-Ilāhiyyah) according to others:
In Sufi terminology they are:
the “human realm” (nāsūt), - the domain of the corporeal
the “realm of royalty” ( malakūt), - dominates the corporeal world;
“the realm of power” (jabarūt) - that supernaturally natural Paradise which we carry within us.
The fourth degree is the “Realm of the Divine” (lāhūt), -the uncreated Intellect, the Logos; the final degree
Nevertheless, the realm of the Kingdom or Nāsūt (the Corporeal Realm) is a manifestation of the Realm of Malakūt and the World of Absolute Imagination. This realm, in turn, is a manifestation of the Realm of Jabarūt (the Kingdom of Spiritual Power) which is the realm of immaterial beings. Now, this realm is the manifestation of the Archetypes, which, in a way, are the manifestations of the Divine Names existing in the Presence that is unity. The Presence that is Unity is the manifestation of the Presence of Singularity.
Though some Sūfīs also said it is seven and they are termed "Universal Degrees of Existence", they are as follows:
1) حضرة أحدية
The One Essence or the Most Hidden of the Hidden البطون البطون which has also been named the Hidden Person or the Eastern Phoenix. In some cases, it is also called “that which has no attribute or description.” حيث لا إسم و لا مسمى

2) حضرة الوحدة
The All-Encompassing Unity. In this station, the multiplicity and diversity of the names and attributes are negated and therefore from one point of view this can be considered the Essence Itself. On the other hand, it comprises within itself all Divine Names, in a simple way, so that their individualities are lost. This station has also been referred to as the station of “or even closer”حضرة أدنى and “the Reality of all Realities.” حقيقة الحقائق

3) The Presence of Singularity حضرة الواحدية: This is the degree in which the multiplicity of the Names, Attributes and the Archetypes of Creatures are manifested. This station has been called “[the station of] the two bows.” حضرة قاب قوسين

4) The level of Spirits and immaterial intellects, which is known as the Realm of Jabarūt (the Divine Power).

5) The station of the Absolute and Separated Imaginal World, which has been named the Realm of Malakūt (the Spiritual Kingdom).

6) The level of sensible and material beings that is the Realm of Absolute Witnessing and that has been named the Nasūt (the Corporeal World).

7) The station of the Perfect Man known as the all-encompassing being. الحضرة القطب أو الفرد الجامع

{2} The writer (Shaykh Nūr Hakīm رضي الله عنه) here, was drawing a line of dichotomy between the 'Aql (intellect) of the aqīqah al-Muammadiyyah (the reality of the prophet ) and Jabarūt in line 9 and also drew the same line between the Ruh (spirit) of aqīqah al-Muammadiyyah (the reality of the prophet ) and the Lāhūt in line 10.

{3} In line 11 what he (the writer رضي الله عنه) was referring to was the حضرة الملكوت "Malakūt (the second stage in the five stages of the Divine presences)" and not حضرة الملك, and this may be he was constricted by the measures of poetry. Because حضرة الشهادة المطلقة وعالمها عالم الملك which is the world of forms and shapes is ناسوت "Nāsūt".
فعالم الملك مظهر عالم الملكوت
The world of form and and shapes is a manifestation of the world of command which is the world of images and that is the level at which the نفس "soul" of the aqīqah al-Muammadiyyah (the reality of the prophet ) is. Allāh knows the Best.

Translation, Transliteration & Commentary by:

Edited & Arranged by: Isma‘eel Bakare
Pristine Sufism Production;
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12. Kanzul Masun wa luuluu l Maknuun – ‘Arabic collection of prayers written by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse. Compiled by Imam Hassan Cisse’.

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9. Islamic Law of Inheritance, by Sayyid Ali ibn Abubakar al-Muthanna ibn Abdullah Niasse (Translated by Dr. Sulaiman Shittu)

10. Muassasah Nasr al-'ilm Int. (AAII) Magazines No. 13, 14 & 15 (with Articles like Outline of Life of Sufi Heros & Heroines like Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse, Shaikh Abdus-Salam Oniwiridi Pakata, Shaikh Muhammad Bello Eleha, Shaikh Ahmad Rufa'i Nda Salati, and others...this magazines also features other interesting Articles).

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